Soup, cream, cream soup


In Romanian it’s mandatory to say about a cream playing the part of a soup that it’s “cream soup”. That’s because we’re not used to the idea yet. It’s alright, we’ll get used to that step by step. Today I offer you three recipes, one for a soup-soup and the other two for cream soups. I’ll start with the soup:
One kilogram of beef bones with marrow, one bunch of parsley leaves, a bunch of fresh cilantro, two anise stars, a teaspoon of pink pepper, one teaspoon of black peppercorn, a teaspoon of salt. Five-six small carrots, three peeled onions. Four liters of water, lid on, low heat, skim from time to time, boil for two hours. A handful of wheat flour Chinese noodles for each serving (boiled for three minutes in salted water). One, two, three drops of soy sauce in the plate. Hot pepper to taste or whim.

supa de vita cu soia

The potato cream soup with caramelized onion is like this: 400 grams of white onion, cut into slices and softened on low heat, with a tablespoon of oil and a tablespoon of water. In 20 minutes it will be slightly caramelized. Over the onion, a pinch thyme, a kilogram of peeled potatoes cut into small cubes and three liters of water. Plus, a bit of salt. Let it boil thoroughly, purée it with a blender, add 150 milliliters of cream and butter, the size of a walnut. The browned bacon and the basil leaf from the plate are optional. They help me.

crema de cartofiSupa cremă de roșii poate fi făcuă așa: pui la fiert doi morcovi mari, un cartof zdravăn, o țelină mică, în doi litri de apă. După ce-s fierte ele, pui peste ele un litru de roșii pasate, sare, piper, coriandru boabe. După cinci-șase clocote (zece minute, fie), pasezi cu un blender și mai lași să scadă pe foc încă șapte-opt minute. Un bruș de brânză de capră frământată cu iarburi aromatice aș mai pune eu în farfuria cu supă. crema de rosii

Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator

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