I was in the mood for cheap, healthy and clean desert, with vitamins, no dough, no flour and no sugar. An I made it. Like this:
I went to the market place and chose a kilogram of apples, the unwaxed, beautiful and healthy type, with a black spot here and there.
I removed the core and the seeds of the apples.
I stuffed the apples with pineapple from compote and with honey. I sprinkled some cinnamon over the honey. I placed the apples in a tray in which I poured pineapple juice and I put it into the oven, for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees Celsius.
I chose to keep the apple skins on in order to protect them and prevent losing too much of their juice. It’s also tasty.
I complemented the flavor of the desert with cream, an experimental vanilla sauce (this is where you draw the conclusion that I won’t be posting the recipe any time soon) and with forest fruit jam. And a bit of cocoa (this was more for image than for taste).
The basil leaf was an inspired choice. I could have chosen a leaf of mint, but it wouldn’t have made such a great match with the cream and the flavor of the pineapple.
Come on, one last look and it’s done :-).
Un asemenea desert este delicios! A mea sotie face din cand in cand asa ceva, doar ca ea le umple cu nuci, migdale, eventual putina dulceata acrisoara, pe langa miere si scortisoara.
nu-i rau :-)
aaaaaaaaa, ce usor! Ma duc sa fac…. :)
uite ca ma apuc maine sa fac desertu asta…ca m-ai innebunit de tot.
ieri m-am facut ca nu observ pizza aia feroce…da' ghici la ce ma gandeam azi, pe la ora amiezii?
ei, ai ghicit….:))
nina: a ieşit? :-)
inah: :-)))
Daaa… poza arată minunat. Se simte pînă aici aroma de scorţişoară…
lucia, a fost buuun, foarte buun :-)
pai si in tava se pune numai siropul din compot si atat? daca pun hartie de copt ce se intampla?
Adela, nu se întâmplă nimic rău dar dacă pui hârtie de copt, nu mai e nevoie să pui sirop în tavă:-)
waw…acum am citit retzeta…suna provocator…si cred k e super gustoasa…ma gandesc sa o pregatesc si eu:)
te-am descoperit de 3 zile si in fiecare zi fac o reteta ..super..aseara am facut merele astea si au iesit perfect…multam ca le arati
Mika, ma bucur ca gasesti lucruri de folos aici:-)
Mmmmmm….ce buuuuun!
Unde esti copilarie? Mancam paine cu unt si magiun, orez cu lapte si…mere coapte cu nuci si miere…asa facea mamaia mea….
Bravo Adi, imi place mult „curatenia” retetelor tale!
Cu drag.