Grilled vegetable salad


I love meat, but I also love vegetables. Especially grilled ones. On Sunday, I made a barbecue with yogurt and Madras curry marinated chicken skewers and pork loin dipped in spices. However, the meats weren’t the center of attention, but the salad, which even surprised me, and I was the one who made it and who is hard to surprise (parts 1-4). How did everything happen?
Well, I first wen to the market place and bought an eggplant, two zucchinis/courgettes, a bell pepper and two “slimmer” ones. Additionally, two bunches of green onion. I already had garlic. I washed/cut them – those that needed that – and put them on the oiled grill. The garlic in its skins, to be protected and to roast gently.

The vegetables sat three minutes on each side.

Before removing them from the grill, I sprinkled some coarse salt over them.

I thoroughly washed the tomatoes.

I got the cheese out of the fridge.

The largest salad bowl that I have at home is the wok. In it, I put two-three handfuls of salad mix (green, red), chunks of cheese and a handful of fenugreek sprouts.

Over them, I added the chopped tomatoes, the chopped vegetables, I drizzled balsamic vinegar reduction and extra virgin sunflower seed oil and I mixed well.

I also had some hummus with za’atar at the table.

And some cream cheese (cottage cheese, sour cream, dill, salt, pepper, green onions).

Alright, there was some meat too.

But the salad…eh…

Stay healthy.

Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator

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