Today’s soup – tomato soup


I’m a big fan of tomato soup, be it in any form. The images below will demonstrate that again and will probably contribute with an idea to one of your meals for the days to come.
For four servings I used about 500 grams of large, fat and relatively juicy tomatoes and a few sweet and tasty cherry tomatoes. I washed them, cored them, cut them into large pieces and placed them in a small pot. I sprinkled salt and pepper and for flavor I brought a branch of basil in the story.


I poured a liter of water over the tomatoes and I put the pot on the stove.


I let it boil until the tomatoes were really soft.


I crushed the tomatoes with a blender.

supă de roșiiAm stropit cu ulei de măsline extravirgin. supă de roșiiAm pus niște crutoane în supă. supă de roșiiAtât. Să fiți săntoși. supă de roșii

Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]

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