Somehow, peas manage to bind the flavor of the mint with that of the basil. I don’t know how that happens, I simply noticed that there is chemistry between these three ingredients. Today’s recipe can be cooked in any season without difficulty. We can find frozen peas, even quality ones, and fresh mint and basil can be found in any supermarket. The recipe is simple:
For four servings, you need a liter of vegetable stock (carrots, onions, celery, parsnip, parsley, all boiled in water with a pinch of salt, at low temperature, for at least 30 minutes), 800 grams frozen peas, 150-200 ml cooking cream, 50 grams of butter, a tablespoon of mint leaves and a tablespoon of basil leaves.
Heat the soup and bring it to boil. Add the frozen peas and wait until it boils again. Blend the content of the pot and add the cooking cream, the butter, the mint and the basil. Taste it and add more salt if necessary.
After you blend the cream soup, let it simmer for another five or six minutes. If you want this cream soup without dairy, add a large potato to the soup and blend it with the peas.
That’s all. Stay healthy.
Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator