Trout smoked with fir tree needle leaves


For this recipe you need one trout (350-400 grams), chopped fir tree needle leaves (one cup), aluminum foil, ½ teaspoon of coarse salt, 3 grams of peppercorn, 100 grams of maize, ½ liter of milk, 100 grams of sour cream, 50 grams of butter.


Clean the fish and season it with salt and pepper, inside and out. Smear it with oil. Wash the fir tree needle leaves (the nearest park is the best source), put it in an envelope made from aluminum foil. Pierce the envelope. Place the fish on the hot griddle, with the envelope next to it. Place a tray over the fish and needle leaf envelope so that it forms an enclosed space.
Fry the fish 5-6 minutes on each side (or the necessary time, depending how big it is). You don’t have a griddle? Improvise. Fry the fish in a large non-stick skillet, place the envelope with the fir tree needle leaves next to it and cover it with a lid improvised from a plate or container so that you have a larger space than you would normally have by using a regular lid.


Polenta boiled in milk can make a decent garnish. To obtain it, put 500 ml of water to boil with salt. Add the maize. Stir well. Add the milk, the sour cream and the butter. Let is simmer on low heat, continuously stirring until the maize has boiled thoroughly. Stay healthy.


Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]

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