8 septembrie 2011 Today’s breakfast Dry Stuff / Meatless recipes 0 Today’s post isn’t a recipe, but an idea. The soothing idea of a great start of the day. With a cup of black coffee, a …
30 august 2011 My secret paste for gulyas and stew Juicy Food / Meatless recipes 0 Until I forget: today, starting from 11.30, you can see me on LiveLog Tv, in a story made with the help of a webcam. I’ll …
7 iulie 2011 Baked vegetables with urdă (cheese) and tomatoes Dry Stuff / Meatless recipes 0 Two days ago I pulled over at the Mărăști market place. I was with my bike, it was raining heavily and they have covers. I …
5 septembrie 2011 Eggplants like the ones in Greece Dry Stuff / Meatless recipes 0 I enjoyed the eggplant salad that I had in Greece. And it didn’t bother me in any way (it happens sometimes, the combination of eggplants …