Supă picantă de pui cu fenicul
Când mă gândesc la conceptul de „cald și reconfortant”, prima dată îmi vin în minte rețete de felul întâi, așa că pentru astăzi vă propun …
Când mă gândesc la conceptul de „cald și reconfortant”, prima dată îmi vin în minte rețete de felul întâi, așa că pentru astăzi vă propun …
On Saturday I cooked for the third time at Escargot Bistro (at 101 Toamnei street, Bucharest). Well, for the fourth time if we count the …
I was 6 or 7 years old. My grandmother had a big rooster (so it seemed back then) the color of the sand, with red …
A simple soup, little requirements, a plate that looks nice and ticks all the boxes of a food plate: it’s nutritious, tastes good, smells good …
In our family, tripe soup is a chapter on which we’re very clear: it’s done once a year (before New Year’s), it’s prepared only by …
Lentils are somehow easy to find, they’re cheap, they’re a wonderful protein source and they’re easy to cook. Red lentils, as opposed to the other …
This is not an Asian soup made after an original recipe, but it’s a bowl resulted from the shy exploitation of an equally shy wish: …
I’m convinced that a significant part of my passion for cooking and food comes from my father. He never sat and taught me how to …
This is a simple, an extremely simple soup. A very good one too. And easy to make. And a bit different. Like so: I got …
Hard times, expensive food, low budgets. Challenges most of us have to face. Since we can’t just leave for a friendlier dimension, we have to …