Chicken stew


Some time ago, when I was in France, I made this dish for a gathering of good French people (they were over 200). They enjoyed it. The Romanians to whom I served this dish in the past years enjoyed it too, but that’s no wonder, since it is part of the Romanian cuisine in one form or another, it is easy to understand, easy to assimilate and it is a delight for those who have nothing against eating chicken. Or cream. Or fat, in general. Let’s see:


For four servings, you need four chicken legs. Keep the bone and the skin. Clean them and dab them with a napkin. Sprinkle salt and pepper over them. In a pan (not a skillet) brown 150 grams of slightly smoked pork brisket, cut into small cubes, with two large onions, also chopped into small cubes. Add the chicken legs and fry them on all sides, until they become beautifully colored on the outside.

topalaIn a kettle (or a skillet) boil 200 milliliters of white wine (perhaps a Muscat). Pour the wine over the meat and add three large carrots, a celery and a leak, all cut in a rustic fashion (meaning not very small or fine pieces).

topalăStir well, add to the pan 800 grams of sour cream mixed with gravy from the meat. Leave it for another ten minutes at low temperature. Adjust the taste with salt and pepper. Serve with polenta, balmoș (a polenta-like traditional Romanian dish) or potatoes, as you wish. Stay healthy!

Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator

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