I’ve previously written on laksa here. I received (it has already been a few months) a big bag of laksa powder (a curry similar to the Indian ones, but with malay-thay flavors) – by the way, laksa isn’t hard to find, either as powder or paste, in the stores with Asian products or by searching online – and yesterday I ran across it, so I made an Asian soup with plenty of laksa. Here’s how I made it:
I gathered around me the powder, two large tablespoons of hoi sin sauce, a lime, a carrot (some green onions and three garlic cloves are outside the visual field). Those black round things are pasta with sepia.
I used two chicken legs on which I made incisions and I kept three minutes on the grill, just to give the soup a special flavor.
I then put the legs in a pot, together with the finely sliced carrots, the onion, the garlic and the hoi sin sauce.
I added the laksa powder (I suggest you taste Asian powders/sauces every time you use them in your cooking and add them to taste).
When I saw the chicken is boiled, I added the pasta to the soup.
I poured two tablespoons of oyster sauce.
And two tablespoons of soy sauce.
I waited for the pasta to boil and I put the soup in a plate.
The lime (it can also be lemon) juice is necessary to balance the taste of the soup, which is rather sweet. The boiled egg isn’t necessary but it’s part of the Asian traditional cuisine.
As soon as I finish writing this article I’ll have a bowl of laksa, as I’ve heard that spicy food eaten in the morning diminishes the appetite for lunch. This helps when you want to lose a few kilos.
Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]
Toate bune dar din ce sunt facute pastele alea negre, ca smoala?!
din făină de grâu. sunt colorate cu cerneală de sepie.
Cred ca or fi delicioase, cine stie, dar sincer acum, arata oribil (asa negre) :))
Adevarul e ca nu prea ma entuziasmeaza retetele exotice. Daca ai timp citeste reteta mea de supa de salcam. Neaosa si la fel de spectaculoasa. Cu respect, Uica Mihai.
mad mike: rasistule! :))
uică, nu-i obligatoriu entuziasmul, deschiderea-i însă recomandată, altfel pierdem mult:). trec amu să văd supa:)
Sa va fie de bine:-))
Ce bine arataaaa!
Mai ca asa da o fuga sa primesc si eu o portie!
Sa va fie de bine!
Te rog sa-mi spui daca a functionat chestia aia cu mancatul picant de dimineata :)
funcționează mereu:)
Toate ca toate, da’pastele alea negre mi-au taiat cheful de viata si pofta de mancare. Ar fi bune intr-o cura de slabire ! :D
Ne poti transmite si nouă celor curioşi şi mai amatori în alte gătitului unde găsim paste cu cerneală de sepie?
Mulţumim anticipat
chiar și-n supermarket se găsesc uneori.
Vreunul anume? că am văzut că nu te sfieşti să menţionezi lanţurile mari. La Lidl sigur nu sunt că îl am la 100 de metri de bloc şi le ştiu produsele din săptămânile speciale pe de rost.
posibil la auchan.