The Cooking School


I while back ago, I was announcing the establishment of the Adi Hădean Association, a project that I was anxious to see carried out and which will need the support of all of you who wish to get involved and who more or less empathize with our projects and activities.
And since the official purpose of the Association is gastronomic education, it’s not a coincidence that the first project that we promote is an educational one that we developed in partnership with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV), in Cluj-Napoca. This is an ambitious program designed to lay the foundation of a Cooking School, in Cluj-Napoca, a school that will be open for young people with passion and skill but who don’t have the financial possibilities to access the courses of specialty schools abroad or in the country. As I have said before, good schooling is costly and not everyone can afford to access these funds. It’s a pity, because this way many talents are going to waste.
This time, I can make a contribution and I can make sure that at least a part of these young people will get the chance of a start in life, following the path of a career in gastronomy. 10 young people, aged 18-21, high school graduates, will start the courses of the cooking school this fall. The applications are open, starting today, on the e-mail address [email protected] and it is mandatory to send a cover letter along with a CV and a statutory declaration of lack of income/low income. The applications will be open until August 31st and on September 10th we will make public the names of the 10 selected persons that will begin the courses in October.


I want to thank USAMV Cluj for their openness, for the fact that they embraced the idea of this project and they accepted to take care of the theoretic training of these young people.
The one-year project will contain courses on the theory of food technology and food engineering, held by the teaching staff of the USAMV Cluj, according to the study programs established by mutual agreement. The practice part will take place in the kitchens of renowned restaurants in Cluj, under my supervision. I believe that a year of thorough schooling combined with a well-structured practice can provide a starting point for a career in cooking. At the end of this year, apart from the diploma certifying the training and the experience, students will receive my recommendation and that of the chefs that supervised them throughout their activity, increasing the chances of being hired in the field.
This is a project that I intend to develop every year and that should provide young people with real chances of advancing. The help each of you provide will be highly appreciated, either you’re sharing this information for it to reach those who can really benefit from this program, or you’ve decided the support this program by making financial or any other type of contribution.
I equally thank all of you!


Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]

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