I started the steak from here, from this maturated and satisfyingly marbled piece of meat. I removed the meat from the vacuum packing and I left it on a plate, covered with a towel (it prevents dehydration) for about 20 minutes. That’s enough for it to reach a temperature that assures a comfortable start (if the piece of meat is too cold, its center will remain cold after frying).
I sprinkled coarse salt and oregano leaves on my piece of meat, splashing a few drops of olive oil and rubbing it gently.
I heated a skillet with a bit of oil (I simply oiled it), I shook off the excess of spices from the meat and I proceeded to frying it. Three minutes on each side, turning the meat every 30 seconds.
I then transferred the steak onto a plate and gave it a few minutes to rest.
I ate it with bread, radishes and ramson.
Sometimes, that’s all it takes.
Stay healthy.
Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]
Voi nu-i ziceti leurda? Tehnic vorbind e un usturoi salbatic. :)
Unde se gaseste ? Am căutat in Mega Image dar nu am gasit.Probabil in doar in cele concept. Multumesc
Cat de simplu ai facut aceasta friptura. Mai arata si demential de bine!
E genul de reteta pe care atunci cand o vezi deja iti programezi cand sa o prepari cat mai repede, iar descrierea de la aceasta postare nu face nimic altceva decat sa grabeasca preparerea acestui minunat piept de pui. Delicious!
Bun si usor de executat!!!In plan!
Mihai Boboc au toate sortimentele la Mega Image de la 1Mai intersectia cu Turda sau altfel zis mega de peste drum de cimitirul evreiesc de pe 1 Mai.
Pentru uns tigaia si prajit ce fel de ulei trebuie folosit?
Deasemenea pe timpul prajirii focul trebuie sa fie mare,mic,moderat?
Am achizitionat o bucata de T Bone si as dori sa incerc reteta insa am inca nelamuriri in ceea ce priveste aspectele de mai sus.
Multumesc anticipat pentru raspunsuri.
ulei de palmier.dupa cum se vede in poze focul este la maxim