How to make the perfect omelette


Perfection is a state we mostly define according to our own set of norms, so I won’t be upset at all if the omelette I show you today won’t seem perfect to you, and furthermore, I won’t mind if you tell me about the perfect omelette in the place you are right now, regardless if you’re at home, at the office, in the subway with a smartphone in your hand or in the cab, on your way home. Let’s begin:
Whisk two eggs with a pinch of salt and some finely chopped parsley leaves.

Gather all the types of cheese you have in the kitchen. If they’re creamy and even with some mold, it’s actually better.

Pour a few drops of oil in a skillet, perhaps in a nonstick one. Pour the whisked eggs and sprinkle pieces of cheese over them.

Wait for a minute (maybe even less) until the eggs start to curdle and you can see the margins of the omelette start to roast.

Fold the omelette in two, using a spatula. Leave the omelette on the stove for another 30 seconds, then turn off the fire and leave the omelette in the skillet for another 30 seconds.

Split the omelette in two equal parts and place them over slices of toast, sprinkled with extra virgin olive oil and rubbed a couple of times with a garlic cloves (peeled, of course).

There’s a good chance you’ll enjoy the flavors and the creamy middle of the omelette is sensational.

Stay healthy.


Special thanks to
Oana Bodnariuc, Authorized Translator
[email protected]

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